
Cold Weather Safety Tips For The Bus Stop

Over the past few weeks the temperatures have been dropping pretty quickly, and stepping outside in the morning can be a brisk shock! These plummeting temperatures also make waiting at the bus stop a bit more unpleasant for school kids, and a bit more dangerous as well. Keep reading to learn what you can do to keep your kids happier and safer at the bus stop in cold weather!


  • Bundle up! This might seem obvious, but bundling up is so important in cold weather! Not only will this make standing at the bus stop a lot more comfortable, but it will help prevent injuries from cold exposure.
  • Don’t forget hats, as most of the body’s heat leaves through the head, and scarves and gloves, which protect the tender skin susceptible to wind burn and frostnip/frostbite.
  • Multiple layers of clothing can be a bit cumbersome, so make sure your kids are mindful not to get their clothes caught on any railings/doors/etc. of the bus.
  • Be prepared for snowy conditions! If your kids have school on a snowy day, make sure they get to their bus stop five minutes early, just like any other day.
  • Being early for the bus is especially important in freezing temperatures; rushing and running around increases your kids’ chances of slipping on snow or a patch of ice.
  • Make sure they take extra precautions, like standing back a few steps from the curb, as the bus may slide a bit on the snow as it comes to a stop.
  • The steps of the bus may be slippery from kids tracking in snow, so encourage your kids to always use the handrail and be sure of their footing.
  • Be patient if your kid’s driver is a few minutes late getting to the bus stop. Buses can only move as fast as the traffic around them, and the drivers are doing everything they can to make sure everybody gets to school safely!


Thanks for reading, and hopefully this will help your kids stay a bit safer at the bus stop this upcoming winter season! Can you think of safety tips we might have missed? If so, let us know in the comments below!


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