
9 Simple Tips to Keep You Safe This Summer

We hope everybody is enjoying summer so far! Even though we haven’t seen our students in a while, they’re always on our minds! That’s why we’re sharing these tips to keep our kiddos safe over the next few months before we see them again.

  1. Always wear sunscreen (at least SPF 30) when going outside. Sunburns are no fun, and can cause health problems if you get too many of them. You can even get burnt on cloudy days, so wear your sunscreen even then! Make sure to reapply sunscreen every 3 hours, or right after you get out of water after swimming.
  2. Wear lightweight clothes outside to stay cool and avoid sunburn. If you can, wear a wide brimmed hat to keep the sun off your shoulders, face, and neck, and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes!
  3. Wear insect repellant spray when going outside, especially in wooded areas or near water. This will prevent uncomfortable or dangerous bug bites.
  4. Always wear a helmet when skating, riding a scooter, or riding a bike!
  5. Never go swimming unless your parents or another adult are there to supervise. Use floaties, a raft, or a pool noodle if you’re not a confident swimmer!
  6. Never go swimming when it’s thunderstorming; a nearby lightning strike could electrocute and seriously injure you.
  7. Take a drink of water every 15-20 minutes on hot and humid days to avoid dehydration, even if you’re not thirsty.
  8. This tip is more for parents: NEVER let your kids wait outside in the car, even for a minute! This may seem obvious because this safety tip is so often shared, but we want to echo it just in case. The temperature can raise 20 degrees in just 10 minutes, which can be deadly in the summer.
  9. Never play on or near the road; if you must cross the street, make sure you look both ways (left, right, left) before stepping off the curb.

Being outside in the summertime presents some risks, but you really don’t need to worry as long as you follow these few safety tips! Let us know if you have any other tips you’d like to add to this list. We hope you enjoy this beautiful season!

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