There is a problem with our new bus. How do I get it serviced?
Locate the VIN number (last 6 digits) of unit, mileage and call Rohrer Bus Service Department, Toll free 1-800-735-6700.
What if someone else repairs my bus?
Any bus repair which is in excess of $100.00 requires prior authorization before any work is started. Such authorization can be secured by contacting Rohrer Bus Service Warranty Department, toll free 1-800-735-6700.
Who pays the invoice for the repair?
Unless prior arrangements are made between the repair center and Rohrer Bus Service Warranty Department, the end user (owner) is responsible to pay for the invoice. At which time, the owner needs to submit for warranty a copy of the work order for the work done at Rohrer Bus Service and any defective parts used. Rohrer Bus Service will at this time submit a warranty claim on your behalf to that specific bus body manufacturer for reimbursement.
Note: Rohrer Bus Service, must have the work order within 15 days of the repair in order to file a claim with the manufacturer, along with the failed part.
Why am I being invoiced for warranty parts used on my new bus?
In most warranty claims filed, the manufacturers of our bus body lines ask for the defective parts to be returned. This invoice is just insurance so that the defective part gets returned to Rohrer Bus Service. At the time the warranty claim is paid by the body manufacturer, your invoice will be credited by Rohrer Bus Sales. All parts must be returned within 15 days of purchase.
What is the period of the coverage?
At the time of delivery you were provided with a copy of the limited warranty certificate explaining the coverage of your bus. Also, included are certificates of warranties for other options your bus might have, such as the wheel chair lift, strobe lamp, air conditioning system, etc. or those not covered by a specific bus manufacturer. If you have a question regarding coverage on a specific component, please feel free to contact the warranty department at 1-800-735-6700.
What must I do to keep the warranty in effect?
You must perform reasonable and necessary maintenance upon the unit and use it in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions and/or recommendations.
What do I do if the air conditioner is not working?
Make a preliminary check of the system to determine the nature of the problem and then call Rohrer Bus Service at 1-800-735-6700 and we will give you the necessary instructions.
What if a part breaks or is found inoperable on my new bus during the warranty period?
Upon receipt the request and conformation that the part is warrantable, authorization to process the part at no charge will be issued. It is imperative that the defective part be returned within 15 days of purchase. Request for warranty labor reimbursement will be in accordance with established standard repair times (SRT). Parts credit will be issued to the requesting entity upon claim approval.