
26+ Passenger Buses

Champion DefenderIf you need to move large groups of people, Rohrer Bus has a vehicle for you. With a vast selection of equipment from some of the most well-known manufacturers, in the industry such as Freightliner, there is surely a bus that will fit the needs of your operation. We sell medium and heavy duty buses from top-notch companies like Champion and Thomas Built Buses. But, we don’t just sell these great products, we are a full-service dealership that can handle just about any parts, service, or warranty need over the life of your vehicle.

No matter your large bus needs, we have a bus that will fit your application. Our line up of buses includes commuter, school, travel, coach, and low-floor buses. Refine your search by selecting one of the bus categories below.

Champion DefenderChampion Defender Champion CTS FEChampion CTS-FE Champion CTS REChampion CTS-RE ElDorado Arrivo BusElDorado Arrivo

ElDorado AxessElDorado Axess

ElDorado EZ Rider IIElDorado EZ-Rider II Federal Coach BusFederal Coach Goshen G-Force
mainstreet1Hometown-Mainstreet streetcar1Hometown-Streetcar LF villager1Hometown – Villager Krystal Koach BusKrystal Coach
TBBC2CommercialThomas C2 TBB EFX CommercialThomas EFX TBB HDX CommercialThomas HDX  arbocsol1ARBOC-Spirit of Liberty

ElDorado Aero Elite

Browse Our Selection Of 26+ Passenger Buses